Just as I thought, Cornel West doesn’t seem to know how to have an honest disagreement without physically threatening his opponent. I’m referring to Cornel West’s body language, finger pointing and imposing himself deeply into Dershowitz’s personal space to the point that Dershowitz had to lean backwards to avoid West’s forced displacement.

Lasty, Palestinians aren’t people of color any more than Jews are. To the extent Palestinians are Arab, they are first cousins to the Jews. Both Arabs and Jews are semitic micro-cultures within the larger macro culture of the semitic sub-group of race (See Fr, Lawrence Boadt’s book “Reading the Old Testament”, latest edition). Granted, the term “race” is mostly a useless leftover from the dozy doldrum days of Darwin, but culture and DNA are not. The Jews are descendants of the tribes from the biblical “land of Ur” and the Canaanites (inhabitants of the Southern Levant)., while the Palestinians are descendants of the biblical “Sea Peoples” (Philistines) and the Canaanites.

The historical connection between the Palestinians and the Philistines has yet to be fully accepted but the evidence points in that direction. However, DNA tests validate the biological (genetic) connection between the Arabs and the Jews. So, either both the Palestinians and the Jews are “people of color” or neither are “people of color”. I’m in the “neither” camp myself. People like Cornel West have been playing the Identity Politics game for way too long now, which is just a cover term for “Let’s get Whitey”.


As much as I’ve written on the issue of race on my personal FB Page, I hope you’ve begun to understand my hesitation in using the word “race” in the context of nominal humanity. After 10,000+ years of human migrations and inter-marriages, it looks like we humans would have grasped the Darwinian delusion of the term “race”, but no, we still cling to that Enlightenment tome-tale of race as the division bell of modernity. And the Identity Politics of the Clinton-Obama-Biden garbage genetics continues to reinforce that sordid stereotype,

Modern science has come a long way in determining one’s ancestry, all the way down to what we would usually refer to as race these days, and that includes gender as well. Excluding the rare genetic gender anomalies, that simply puts the lie to the transgender on demand scam. I still hold to the claim that the division between the 3 old Darwinian races are quickly becoming more fluid due to large scale migrations and interbreeding. Not so with gender. Culture is a much clearer marker of ancestry than race has been for thousands of years.

There have been 2 (human) genders since the beginning of time, and it will stay that way as long as we don’t try engaging in any egregious or satanic genetic engineering. I’m all for providing medical care and even surgery for those rare cases of gender disorders such as klinefelter syndrome along with many healthy doses of compassionate care, but the transgender-on-demand ruse is an insult to common sense and a plague on our culture.


I’ll probably post an apology for the language in the heading and the body of this post, but right now I don’t feel like I need to apologize. “Progressive Pukes” sounds about right!

What is this crap we are getting from our universities? Protesting against Israel for protecting its borders and its people against murderous terrorists? This has been common tactics by the Communist factions in our government, Universities, grade schools and even many of our Protestant churches since the end of the Korean War and the rise of Mao Tse “DUNG”

This is a result of the old Soviet Union, (or the new Russian Empire nowadays), Communist China and all their brain-addled totalitarian allies like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, along with all the other Totalitarian regimes aligned against the freedom-loving West. Obviously, that includes all the violent Jihadists such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the old PLO, Syria, and all the Narco-Terrorists in Latin America like FARC the FLAN, the Shining Path Guerillas, etc. Many of those Latin American Narco-Terrorists swill and swallow Maoist and/or Marxist vomit.,


My transition to WordPress is still ongoing. The Progressive Puke Admins at FB censored my last two posts rebuking the recent Hamas attack in Israel along with all terrorists in general. I’ll copy and paste those posts later today. I had not included FB in the category of Progressive Pukes until this latest censorship event. That has now changed.

I’m also calling out our current Pope to rebuke Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the other Totalitarian states/groups, but without the Vatican’s usual moral equivocation.


One of the saddest things I’ve ever experienced is the loss of a friend. True friends can be counted only on one hand. Sure, there are many other type friends we acquire in an entire lifetime, but this type friend is a very rare breed.

C.S. Lewis, in his book “The Four Loves”, comes close to describing the type of friendship I’m referring to here. My point, however, is the question of restoration…… apocatastasis, as mentioned in the book of Acts. Will we ever see those people that we loved best in this life? We are assured that if they accept Christ as their savior we will see them once again. But what if one of those friends is a Jew, or a Muslim, or had been so brutalized in this World that they couldn’t conceive of a good God? What then?

I’ve come to believe that if there is indeed a perfectly loving God, those individuals will eventually be given a chance to experience the love of God in its fullness, even after their biological deaths. This is in conflict with our common Catholic faith. Guess what, I believe it anyway. Otherwise, we would have to believe that God Himself predestined the pain and suffering of innocent children. To me, that is worst of all the heresies.

Signed: The Militant Monk


I don’t think this is what Fr Richard John Neuhaus was talking about in his book “The Naked Public Square”. Or maybe this is precisely what he was talking about. That being said, you just gotta love Megyn Kelly. She’s got some heavy-duty brass.

This trash is finding its way into our children’s grade schools by endorsement via former POTUS Barack Obama and invitation from the Teacher’s Unions no less.


Sanctions work, and the UN is ball-less in that area, particularly with both Russia and China holding seats on the Security Council. NATO has the potential to not only counter Russia and their totalitarian allies militarily but economically as well.

DJT was right to demand that NATO pay up but wrong in his methods. He was also very wrong to jettison America’s attempt to forge a Pacific economic alliance that could have easily strengthened our hand against China’s aggressive moves in the Pacific. There’s much more to Fortress America than Trump’s version of “Let’s Make a Deal”!

DJT may be a financial genius but he is also a political idiot. I will vote against DJT in the primaries but for him if he happens to win the primaries. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I intensely dislike DJT, but I downright hate the new Clinton-Obama-Biden Crime syndicate that was born almost a half century ago with the Obamas forging home grown terrorist connections with the Weather Underground, the SDS, and the Black Liberation Army whose members were responsible for the assassination of U.S. Law Enforcement officers, one of whom fled to Cuba to escape prosecution by our own FBI.

Granted, Obama was still in grade school during the late 1960s and early 1970s, but he sought these people out when he first began his political career. Bill Ayers, a former member of the Weather Underground himself hosted an election party for Obama’s fist Presidential run. Obama attended and rubbed elbows with all the Chicago radicals. Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, who was still serving a prison sentence at the time if I’m not mistaken, hosted the party for future POTUS Barack Obama.

These are the kind of people the Obamas hung around with from their college days forward. As far as we know Joanne Chesimard is still being sheltered in Cuba by the Communist regime. Why was Obama so anxious to re-establish diplomatic and trade relations with a regime that hates us and harbors FBI fugitives.

Obama’s political buddies from the late 1980s to the present day.

Bill Ayers’ History of Terrorism

Bernadine Dohrn’s History of Terrorism

Oscar Lopez Rivera freed by Obama

Personally, I think Barack Obama is one of the most duplicitous POTUS’s in the history of the US. The only other I can recall would be Andrew Johnson. Obama can’t seem to keep his lies straight. He says one thing to one crowd and something entirely different to other crowds.

In summary, I connect these issues of duplicity within the DNC to our involvement with NATO because most of the Radical Left in the US is being fed by the Marxist, Leninist, Maoist double-dribble-talk that is being taught in our Grade Schools, Universities, Seminars, etc. Did you ever imagine that we would tolerate, much less promote, Drag Queen Shows in our Grade Schools? Or tolerate the racist nonsense propaganda of the “Let’s Get Whitey” CRT political machine? It is true that the Biden Administration, on the surface supports NATO, but at a fundamental level he abandoned our NATO allies in Afghanistan. It also seems to me and others, that he is using the War in Ukraine to skim money off the top of the much needed assistance to Ukraine. How does a US senator, Vice President, and then President make millions over and above his government salary, as well as make his relatives rich?

Remember Biden’s famous words: “If you don’t vote for me you’re not Black”. Or his words “They’re trying to put you people back in chains!”. Couple these words with his scandalous betrayal of NATO in Afghanistan and his forfeiting of billions of dollars worth of US military supplies (mostly weapons) to the Taliban and we have either a traitor or an imbecile, maybe both.

If the connection seems distant, please let me clarify. The World is reaching a point of bifurcation unlike anything in the past. It is separating on the grounds of the ideologies of Totalitarianism and Democratic Republicanism. This isn’t entirely new. It mostly began with the Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries, a blessing in many ways, but quickly turned into the first global war lasting throughout the Long 19th Century. The difference in the 21st century is the reality that global hegemony is now possible, but at the risk of global destruction.


FB allowed the post itself, imho because youtube is complicit in the general obfuscation of the truth of the general reality of the facts of the world as they exist today. We, intelligent humans, are being fooled beyond conception. This indeed is a replication of Orwell’s 1984.

Most of FBs blocks and redactions to my posts and comments have to do with my consensus with the objections of America’s patriots to the enemies of Free Speech and Free Thought, that is the enemies of totalitarian hegemons.


FB has been censoring much of my content lately. So, I will be taking up the slack and eventually replacing my FB activity with WordPress content. This is just one example of FB’s censorship:

Of course FB didn’t block this video, after all this video is available on youtube and youtube and FB are intimate fascist friends. What they bocked/censored were my comments. Those comments are included below.


The DNC does. Just remember it was the Democrats that fought against freeing the slaves leading up to and during the Civil War. It was also Democrats that established the Jim Crow laws in the South during Reconstruction. Lastly, the Democrats governed most of the Southern States leading up to the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960s. George Wallace and Huey Long were both Democrats as were many state governors.

My point in focusing on Democratic leadership is to focus on the problem of deception used as a political tool for gaining and retaining office. In no way am I blind to the Republican abuse of truth in political strategies. But the DNC has made deception an integral part of their playbook.

This must end, or we Americans, have very little to stand on or to hope for.

My point here is not to advance segregation or racism in any way; my point is to demonstrate the DNC’s hypocrisy when it comes to race baiting and identity politics. This practice was mostly hidden up until it was publicly advocated by the Clinton’s and Obama’s as far back as the 1970s when both the Clintons and Obamas became active in state politics. Later in the game the Bidens joined the identity politics club.